The following were obtained from The Veterans of Foreign Wars

Carmel Post # 1374

 February 2008, India and the US agree to conduct joint military expeditions in the North East to recover the remains of the crew of 

 JPAC Commander to go to Beijing to meet with Ofifcals in an effort to restore recovery operations in that country ................................................................................................................ 820 US Personel remains have been returned since the end of the Vietnam War. .

. Four Recovery Teams are operationg over a thirty (30) day period in Cambodia. ................................................................................................................ January 2008 the remains of three US Servicemen missing from the Korean War have been Indentifyed and Returned to Family Members. ................................................................................................................... February 2008 The Remains of Three US Servicemen from WWII have been Identified and Returned to Family Members. .................................................................................................................            OUR EFFORTS WORK            'LEST WE FORGET'