The American Legion Mahopac Post 1080
333 Buckshollow Rd.
Mahopac, NY 10541
(845) 621-2639
Post Officers 2013-2014
Commander Anthony Pelliccio
1st Vice Commander
2nd Vice Commander Anthony Pelliccio
3rd Vice Commander Jack O'Hara
Adjutant Ted Martine
Service Officer Jerry Purdy
Treasurer Joe Toleno
Chaplain Edward Robitallie
Sgt-at-Arms Ted Martine
Historian Jack O'Hara
Judge Advocate Laurence Silverman
Membership of this Post currently stands at approximately 220 members. The post meets on the last Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM and is located in the hamlet of Mahopac at 333 Buckshollow Road just past the Spain Insurance Bldg.
Mahopac Post 1080 was organized and chartered in June of 1933 with approximately 30 members. It was not until 1965 that the Post purchased and moved into the present location an historic building which was once the "Old Put" RR stop known as Lake Mahopac Station (Thompson House).
Our post is host to American Legion Auxilliary 1080 and Squardon 1080(SAL).
Mahopac Post 1080 has extensive kitchen facilities and a rental hall which can accomodate up to 150 people.