The American Legion Argonne Post 71
P.O. Box 304
Brewster, NY 10509
(845) 279-9417
Charter History American Legion Argonne Post 71
Temp Charter Date: 06/26/1919
Perm Charter Date: 08/31/1920
Supplemental Charter Date 08/07/1952
Post Officers 2014-2015
Post Commander Ronald A. Lipschitz PPC
1st Vice Commander Walter Vaillancourt
2nd Vice Commander Open
Adjutant Walter Vaillancourt
Treasurer Richard L. Pizzani PPC
Chaplain Harold Willis PDC
Membership Chairman Ronald A. Lipschitz PPC
Service Officer Harold Willis PDC
Compliance Officer Walter Vallancourt
House Chairman Harold Willis PDC
Homeland Security Ronald A. Lipschitz PPC
Public Relations Ronald A. Lipschitz PPC
Boys State Chairman Richard L Pizzani PPC
The American Legion Argonne Post 71 meets the last Wednesday of each month subject to change of the weather,holidays. The Post is located on Ice Pond Road Brewster NY.
Meetings will be called to order at 7:00 PM
Post Important Dates
Tuesday Nov 25th, Monday Dec 29th.
Dues for the year 2015 are $35.00.
The post's basement recently was damage by water. We need to repair and the cost is very expensive. We would appreciate a donation. Please make checks payable to The American Legion Argonne Post 71. In the memo space please state "to repair floor"
Hall for rent can hold 80 people. Use our e-mail for additional information.