World War I April 6th 1917 - November 11th 1918,
World War II December 7th 1941 - December 31st 1946,
Merchant Marines December 7th 1941 - August 15th 1945,
Korean War June 25th 1950 - January 31st 1955,
Vietnam War February 28th 1961 - May 7th 1975,
Lebanon/Grenada August 24th 1982 - July 31st 1984,
Panama December 20th 1989 - January 31st 1990,
Persian Gulf August 28th 1990 - currently open to all active duty personal until the cessation of hostilities by the U.S. Government.
If You Are A Veteran of Wartime Service There Are Many Reasons To Belong to The American Legion. Its a Sound Value For A Few Bucks.
American Legion Members Enjoy Benefits Such As:
A Discount Eye-Wear Plan-A Discount Prescription Program-
A Subscription To An Award--Winning Magazine--Hotel And Rental Car Travel Discounts--Possible Financial Aide Following a Natural Disaster--And Much More.
That's Just The Tip Of The Iceberg. If You Are A Veteran And Would Like To Know What The American Legion Here In Putnam County Is Doing --Give Us a call at (845) 279-9417. Email address ronaldal@verizon.net