



The American Legion Marne Post 270


Memorial Hall


Rt. 52


Carmel, NY 10512


                                           Chartered August 1st. 1920


                              Post Officers 2013-2014                                                        


                                                            Dale Cusack-Commander


       Mario J. Rolla, Jr.-1st Vice Cmdr.


                            -2nd Vice Cmdr.


          Shirley E. Connolly-3rd Vice Cmdr.



George Krauss-Treasurer


 Philip Zachman-Chaplain


      Shirley E. Connolly-Historian


         Robert C. Yost-Judge Advocate


        Mario J. Rolla, Jr.-Sgt.-at-Arms


                  Shirley E. Connolly-Membership Chair


            Mario J. Rolla, Jr.-Service Officer


                   Arthur J. Kierman-Homeland Security


                      Arthur J. Kiernan-Boys State Chairman



Post Meetings


Post Meetings are held at Memorial Hall, Carmel, New York  the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM. Meeting hall is located downstairs. Refreshments are available after we adjourn.


The American Legion Marne Post 270 was organized 9/25/19 and chartered 8/1/20 at the Carmel Firehouse with 32 charter members.  Ray Townsend was chosen President and they met at various places until they settled in rooms formerly occupied by the Putnam County National BankPutnam County Veterans Memorial Hall was completed in 1927 and remains their quarters. The American Legion is the nation's largest organization of wartime veterans. We sponsor and support programs on Americanism, Children and Youth, Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, Legislative, National Security, as well as many others.


 We welcome new members


For information and eligibility,


e-mail: sconn0807@aol.com


We will be happy to send you brochures on membership, benefits, and our many American Legion programs   


We have served and continue to serve

Care to join?


                                     The American Legion Marne Post 270
                                                              Carmel, New York

Serving our community:


             Children and Youth


       National Security

What we do


  VA Visits

       Grave Marking

    Poppy Distribution

    Service Aid

       Financial Aid

          Welcome Home

Children  and Youth

Boys' and Girls’ State

     Valentines For Vets

       Recognition in Civil Air Patrol and JROTC

   Legion Baseball


                      Four H Fair Sponsorship

What We Do


                                                            Flag Distribution

              Parades and Ceremonies

        Family Service Flags

            Joint Veterans’ Council

                                                                 National Security

                                                    Support Homeland  Security    

                                                     Volunteer with Citizens Corps:



       Local Emergency Services